2015 CES Wearables Roundup

CES 2015 has come and gone and taken with it the notion that wearable technology is a fad and that it cannot penetrate the mainstream consciousness. Not only did wearable technology garner tremendous attention at CES 2015 (it got its own wing this year), it managed to steal some of the limelight usually reserved for..

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Why Performance Testing is More Important Than Ever

Customer experience begins with a web application that responds quickly. As consumer demand for technology increases, so do expectations of speedy interactions. From banking to eCommerce to healthcare, technology continues to both enhance peoples lives and drive them to be faster and do more. What does this mean for companies? First it means that uptime has..

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Automation Prerequisites

Automation testing is a great long-term QA strategy. It is also complicated and sometimes isn’t entirely practical. In this post we review some prerequisites to think about when analyzing the potential for automation. Assessment Prior to the implementation of any automation effort, a professional assessment of the potential effort needs to be completed. This assessment would..

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Agile TDD

In another article on agile we discussed, at a high level, the role of QA in Agile. We concluded that much of what QA teams do in Agile is not significantly different from more traditional methodologies; the difference lies within how the QA teams accomplish their responsibilities. We focused on how QA teams need to be focused..

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Android Lollipop

Android Lollipop (version 5. 0) represents a new generation for the open source mobile OS. Although the uptake of the new OS won’t be as quick as iOS, Major changes from Google means compatibility testing will be necessary for all Android native apps. Below is a summary of the major changes we except will impact..

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Emulators vs. Physical Testing

Simulators and Emulators can be used for basic testing but not all testing possibilities can be supported. Examples of this include advanced multi touch, advanced motion accessory testing, cloud services such as push notifications, and selected OS API’s that can only be run from a physical device. Some more examples While simulators can be used..

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The Expanding Wearables Market

Wearable device technology has been around for years. As with all innovative ideas, there are a few early adopters, then some more, and then the mainstream eventually catches on and the market skyrockets. The curve is officially bending. Wearable technology is growing in adoption. Accordingly to Business Insider the market is growing on a pace..

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Ready for iOS8?

iOS 8 is the biggest release from a development perspective since iOS 2 when the App Store launched. With so many new changes, compatibility testing of your native and mobile apps is crucial as the majority of iOS device owners will upgrade in the first few weeks of release. Below are a few changes that may..

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Configuration Proliferation

As more and more devices enter the market, testing on all platforms becomes an even bigger challenge. The device market is not the only one changing. Operating systems, browsers, and third party integration continue to make the number of potential configurations skyrocket. To mitigate these challenges, the best path forward is to build a plan…

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