Data Security in a Wearables World

With each passing day, wearable devices are accessing or storing more personal data than ever before. This trend has given rise to concerns about how secure consumer data is in the wearable world. The movement of wearable devices into areas like mobile health has only served to heighten this concern as questions like HIPPA applicability..

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Mobile Performance Testing

As the mobile market continues to expand, mobile testing is becoming increasingly important. Typical mobile testing includes testing the layout, device features, user interactions, and others. As with desktop experience, customer experience begins with performance – how well the application performs. In this article we look at the 3 components of mobile performance testing –..

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QA for Apple Watch and iOS 8.2

Apple has released iOS 8. 2 which includes support for WatchKit and the Apple Watch. While testing can be performed now on the simulator, testing of your app with actual devices will be crucial to ensure your App behaves correctly with Apple Watch’s. In this article we will explore some of the development opportunities, challenges..

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