Automation – Empowering Devops

Devops is a culture, a collaboration between development, operations, business, and others in the organization. It is an idea that emphasizes efficiency, continuity, and certainty. Automation is one of the key pillars of Devops. The automation of software development, delivery, and testing empowers teams to focus energy on design, experience, and results and less on..

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Selenium Cucumber Framework

What is a Framework? Generally a framework is something that can be used to join different parts and construct a structure. In Software terms, we use framework to develop a product that needs to be created multiple times in the same way and to create a plan or basis for a project. Use of Framework..

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Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Want to use test automation with your Continuous Integration? Jenkins is an open source continuous integration software and when installed on a build server can be configured to execute tests on new builds thus determining if the latest code change has created a problem within the application. During this process Jenkins gets the latest code from..

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Selenium + Appium

In automated testing we can execute tests with open source tools like Selenium WebDriver. With Selenium we have the ability to programmatically capture and execute commands against objects on a web page, for an app or website, just as a user would do. Selenium WebDriver works with IE, Chrome and Firefox and Selenium has API..

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